Wolverine SPIRIT: What is it?

The SGA and administration have released a new set of values for the school, SPIRIT, which is displayed on posters around the school.

“[The purpose of SPIRIT is to] give kids a form to strive for,” said seniors Caylie McCann and Hannah Berkon.

SPIRIT stands for strength, preparedness, integrity, respect, involvement, and togetherness, which exemplify the best high school in the world.

“Everyone would get along and want to be [at the school],” said McCann and Berkon about the ideal results of SPIRIT.

SPIRIT is meant to improve the behavior and attitude of the student body, by being implemented in the classroom.

“I see teachers using it as a way for them to explain how to act,” said McCann.

However, the feel from the general student body is less optimistic that it will actually change things.Teachers are supposed to be talking about SPIRIT during Wolverine Time, but it is not being implemented strictly. Two of the four students asked had not heard of the acronym yet.

“I’m not sure just the posters will do it,” freshman Ellie Haas said.

The SGA students can explain this, and have plans for improving awareness in the future.

“Events in the future the SGA will incorporate it in” said McCann and Berkon. “It’s in the early stages.”