New NHS Inductees Ready for a Great Honor

The National Honor Society inducts new students yearly for membership who have significantly achieved in academics and community service.
A swarm of proud parents and their well-dressed students are beginning to crowd in the auditorium in Springbank. Though the West Potomac theatre’s autumn show, American Idiot is opening in the auditorium across the hallway, these parents and students aren’t going to see the show tonight. Instead, they make a left turn into the first auditorium, to find it’s stage set up with chairs, a podium, and a table with a white tablecloth embezzled with the National Honor Society’s logo in navy and gold. While the parents and families find their seats, students get ready to line up outside the auditorium. What exactly is going on here? This is the National Honors Society (or NHS) 2015-2016 induction ceremony.
“I was very happy when I received my acceptance letter to NHS,” said sophomore Hayden Quilty, who was inducted into the honor society this year. “I’m most looking forward to the service learning projects offered by NHS. I rather enjoy helping people and these new opportunities will allow me to do so… Being an NHS member is important to me, because I now have the ability to further broaden my skill-set and opportunities for the future.”
Newly elected school board member Karen Corbett Sanders gave a message to the new inductees. “You can all demonstrate capabilities in the classroom and in the community,” she tells the crowded auditorium. “ And so now is the time to reflect on where you want to be; where you want to be in ten years from now, where you want to be in five years from now, where you want to be in twenty years from now. And as you reflect on that, then I want you to keep that in the forefront of your minds because if you do that, then everyday as you look at your actions, think about them and how they help you get to where you want to be. And as you think about that I want you to also think about as you’re doing it, how can I bring other people along, so that we’re all moving forward together. And because you’re here, tonight being inducted, I know that you can do that.”
The Induction Ceremony, led by NHS President Logan Petkosek and Historian Katie Woods, also emphasized the importance of maintaining a strong academic path while doing your best to help others and impact the community in a positive way. During the ceremony, each 2015-16 NHS officer lit a candle representing the characteristics and standards of a NHS member and community leader; scholarship, presented by NHS Vice President Andrew Wolverton; service, presented by Community Service Representative Armaghan Faisal; leadership, by Petkosek; and character, presented by Secretary Cait Hagan. Treasurer Claire Woods lit the candle of the NHS Torch, which represented the eternal light of knowledge.
“My favorite part of the ceremony was the different speeches about Service, Leadership, Scholarship, and Character, and the lighting of their respective candles,” said new member sophomore Rory Edgar. “I liked this part the best because of the candle lighting symbolism highlighting how those characteristics and qualities are very important in life. Those speeches gave insight into how those qualities are expanded during the different NHS functions such as the meetings and the different service opportunities.”
Finally, Laura McBride, the NHS Adviser and history teacher, Laura Moore, the NHS Administrator, and Alexander Case, principal, along with other faculty council advisers, presented the new inductees with certificates and pins. Afterwards, the new members pledged to maintain their grades and hard work and continue to have a good character and help others as they recited the NHS Pledge.
“Being an NHS member is important to me because, well, it’s an honor,” said new NHS member Paolo Fermin, sophomore. “Maybe it’s something to tell my kids about and encourage them to strive for it.”