History students win the lottery for Hamilton

One hundred twenty lucky 11th Grade West Po U.S. history students will be traveling to Norfolk, Virginia, to watch Hamilton live in action this December. This is a project that has been in the works for over three years which has finally come to fruition. Originally a Broadway musical, Hamilton has been very popular since it’s debut in 2015. 

Hamilton is the most exciting and significant musical of the decade,” praises Terry Teachout in a review from The Wall Street Journal. “Hamilton” collected a record-setting 16 Tony Awards nominations, according to CNBC.

Mrs. Maren Hoover, West Potomac history teacher and organizer of the field trip, says she came up with the idea three years ago, stating, “My friend in New York had her students go, so if the inner-city students get these opportunities, why can’t we?”

Students who were interested in attending signed up using a google form. Students were then entered into a lottery to be chosen. If chosen, each student needs to pay $46 to go on the field trip. The PTSA has donated $500 to help students in need to pay the dues for the trip.

“I think this field trip is a really great opportunity, I’ve never seen Hamilton before but I’m excited to go,” says Alison Cooke, junior, who will be attending the trip.

The trip will take place on Thursday, December 19. Students attending the trip will arrive at the school at 5:00 a.m. in order to board a charter bus which will transport the students all the way to Norfolk. They’ll see Hamilton live on stage from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

According to Mrs. Hoover, this show was hand-picked in order to relate with the U.S. history students, “Since it’s a rap musical, it’s easier to connect to teenagers,” said Mrs. Hoover.