Teacher Feature: Ms. Aepelbacher

Other than teaching kids math, Ms. Lou Ann Aepelbacher plays the French horn and the piano. Originally from outside Buffalo, New York, Aepelbacher has taught at West Po since 2009 and has taught in Arlington county and other places in New York, too. Although she taught middle schoolers for 20 years, Aepelbacher “loves teaching high school students and the content.” She teaches Precalculus and discrete math at West Po, and loves building relationships with students. Aepelbacher went to the State University of New York Geneseo (SUNY Geneseo) and earned an undergraduate in math, a masters in education, and along with some teacher courses.

Discrete math is usually for upperclassmen and is described as a “not equation based” subject and usually taken after algebra 2. Aepelbacher describes her strategy as a classroom discussion and likes to talk with each student. She encourages students to ask “a million questions” and pull ideas out from everyone. 

In her free time she plays the French horn with one of her band groups and enjoys learning about music history. Aepelbacher likes to drive in the mountains and has driven as far as from here to Alaska. She says one of her favorite pastimes is to “just drive.””

She enjoys taking pictures and traveling, and has been to places in Europe, Africa, China, and South America. While visiting she’s met and talked to many international people.  Aepelbacher also has a Shih Tzu dog named “Teddy” and loves him very much.