Spanish Students Wow with Art
Señora Martinez has been teaching at West Potomac for only one year, but was blown away by the artistic skills of her Spanish lll students. Recently, the Spanish department taught the students about famous Spanish artists including Pablo Picasso, Diego Velásquez and Salvador Dalí. After the teaching portion of the unit ended, the students were tasked with creating their own paintings in the styles of the artists they had just learned about. Some examples of the styles the students could choose from were surrealism, which is created by unrealistic and unnerving scenes, or cubism, which is made from stark shapes and colors and was made famous by Pablo Picasso.
Señora Martinez believed her students did an amazing job replicating the paintings of the old masters of Spanish art. She said “I am so amazed by what they did and how they did it.”

Carlie Erlandson is currently attending her first year at West Potomac High School as a junior. Fresh from the mountains of Colorado, Carlie has just moved...