West Potomac Parking Spots In Flux
On-going construction leaves students with commute issues
West Potomac students have felt the rumble of construction vehicles under their feet, seen construction workers all over campus and even gotten to enjoy the new building. In the midst of all the changes spurred by the construction occurring throughout West Potomac for months now, one has gone overlooked: the revocation of parking spots for students. The issue that much of the schoolwide construction was meant to address has morphed and now some students have no place to park on campus like they were promised.
Reese Haggerty, a senior at West Potomac got her parking space revoked after applying. This significantly impacted her plans for commuting to school. Her plans shifted further after it was announced that if students parked on the side roads along Quander Rd. would be ticketed. “Fortunately, one of my friends lives nearby and they are letting me park in front of their house. But now I have a little walk to school.” Haggerty suggested that if a similar situation were to arise again that the school make sure they allocated enough spots for the students who signed up for one.
Similarly to Haggerty, Adam Till, a senior, applied for a parking spot the moment the form opened at 9 AM on August 3rd. He found out he wouldn’t be getting his spot when he was told via an email from Dr. Millard days later. Because of delays in completion on the Kiss and Ride lots and additional parking lots, Till, like others whose spots were revoked, was informed that his spot was ‘still reserved’ and that he would “…get a space as soon as the kiss and ride and parking lots are complete.” At that time, the dates of completion for those lots were unknown.
The email also says that the change in the construction timeline would have an impact “on student and staff parking.” It is unknown how parking spots for West Potomac staff and faculty have been affected.

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