Teacher Feature: Mr. Dassner

Coming from Annapolis, Maryland, Mr. Jeffrey Dassner is the newest addition to West Po’s psychology and history department. 


Dassner grew up in Pittsburgh. He graduated from Allegheny College where he played baseball and then continued his education by getting his masters degree at IUP and post-grad at Pitt.

Mr. Dassner began his teaching career six years ago at Northeast High School. He was brought to Fairfax County when a job opportunity presented itself at perfect timing. “I’ve always wanted to be in Fairfax County due to because the school district’s reputation in the area,” Dassner said. 


So far he has enjoyed his time at West Po, due to the positive atmosphere of the community, as well as a great group of hard-working students. “The students here have been incredibly welcoming and have worked very hard to make my transition successful.” 


Mr. Dassner has many interests, one including photography. “I have always enjoyed photography as a relaxing activity. I take some pretty good pictures from all of my travels,” he said.  In his free time Dassner also enjoys traveling, especially internationally. “I like learning about other people and different cultures have always been something that I am interested in.” he said. He also enjoys anything baseball related and is always down to go out for dinner or a coffee shop. 


Mr. Dassner is a very passionate and friendly teacher who prides himself on his relatability to his students. Dassner says a key to success in the classroom is also having adaptability. His top priority is his students’ education but he also greatly values the relationships he creates with students. “At the end of the day, 10 years from now, I want my students to remember all of the material that I teach, however I also want them to think back about having an incredibly positive experience” he said. At West Po, he has found a great community in which he is passionate about working with.  “At the end of the day it’s about relationships. Who do I work with? … I work with incredible co-workers and students. The people are what make my job so rewarding. And that’s what West Po is all about.”