Wednesday, April 24th, 2024
8:50 AM – The school evacuates after an announcement from Ms. Jessica Statz instructs students to go to the field and for teachers to bring their class roster.
9:03 AM – Classes are instructed to organize based on building in various sections of the field and bleachers. There, teachers then take attendance.
9:15 AM – The first text announcement is sent to parents, informing them of a bomb threat prompting the evacuation.

9:28 AM – Police and staff instruct classes to leave their bags and go with their class to the bleachers.
9:50 AM – Dogs begin inspecting bags.
10:15 AM – A helicopter starts circling the field.
10:20 AM – Dogs complete bag inspection. No bomb is found.
10:26 AM – A second message is sent to parents.

10:45 AM – Folding tables are carried and set up in the corner of the field.
10:55 AM – Teachers are instructed to return to their class’s bags, students remain in the bleachers.
11:00 AM – Students are informed that attendance will be reassessed once students return to their bags.
11:25 AM – Bagged lunches are assembled for distribution by various staff members.
11:35 AM – Students are instructed by administrators to collect a bagged lunch and return to their class.
11:50 AM – Fire truck sirens are heard from the field.
11:55 AM – Students are informed attendance will be taken again once students have their lunch.
12:11 PM – Students are told to return to their teachers so further instructions can be provided.
12:15 PM – Students are told they will be released back into the building soon.
12:19 PM – Students are informed that the building has been searched and no bombs were found. Teachers will enter the building first and greet their classes as they enter. Students are instructed to collect any left items from their 1st period and then go to their 5th period.
2:46 PM – Ms. Statz makes an announcement commending the success of the evacuation.
Additional photos, videos, and information will be added to this story soon.