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The Wire

The student voice of West Potomac High School

The Wire

The student voice of West Potomac High School

The Wire

How to Save Files From Your Google Drive (for Seniors)


If you’re on track to graduate or leave FCPS, that means your school Google account will be deleted after your enrollment is up. Whatever the reason for saving your stuff may be, there’s a couple ways to prevent your school Google Drive from being lost to time. 

Use Takeout 

This is the easiest way to save all your stuff by far. Google Takeout is a service that allows people to create a download archive of their Google files. The whole process may take a while to complete, so set aside some days to complete it. A step-by step guide on how to do so is linked here

Your screen should look like this when it’s exporting your files


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Manually Select

If you only care about certain things in your drive, you can go through it and manually select what you want. The instructions to do that are linked here. Scroll until you reach the part that says “Downloading Your Data.”




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About the Contributor
Miguel Tsang
Miguel Tsang, Co Editor-in-Chief
This is senior Miguel Tsang's third year writing for The Wire. Not only the president of West Po's Asian-Pacific Americans Club (APAC), he’s also active on the Crew and Debate teams. He is excited to be back in journalism to keep up with current events, and help other people to do the same. In his spare time, he enjoys playing the violin, traveling, and planning for the next APAC meeting and talking about Nope ;).

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