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The student voice of West Potomac High School

The Wire

The student voice of West Potomac High School

The Wire

The student voice of West Potomac High School

The Wire

Teacher Feature: Mr. Riley

Lila Wells
Mr. Riley poses outside of his classroom.

Mr. Daniel Riley is in his third year teaching at West Potomac, all through the Career and Technical Education department. 

During his last three years at West Po, he has taught sports marketing, sports management, marketing, entrepreneurship and also economics and personal finance. Mr. Riley’s family has always been involved with the education field, which helped him make a decision on what he wanted to do. 

“During covid, the corporation I was working for took a pause, and I was looking for other opportunities and wanted to mainly give back to the community,” Mr. Riley said. 

He graduated from Roanoke College in Roanoke, Virginia, where he studied and majored in history. Before realizing he wanted to become a teacher, Mr. Riley lived in the Seattle, WA, area working for various organizations such as Aeroteck, Quest Communication, Century League and the National Public Radio where he sold software for almost 25 years.

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In Mr. Riley’s free time, he does various active activities and continues to help out and give back to the community. He can be found at Results Fitness helping spot students doing bench press or also find him at the local tennis court playing pickleball or tennis. He can also be seen at your local basketball court putting up shots, or helping coach a youth basketball team during the Fort Hunt Rec basketball season. 

“I’ve always wanted to have that kind of give-back mentality.” Mr. Riley said.


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About the Contributors
Jackson Baker
Jackson Baker, Sports Editor
Jackson Baker is a senior at West Po. This is his first year taking journalism and he’s super excited. He is a member of the baseball team and is currently committed to Salisbury University to continue playing baseball while studying. In his free time, he enjoys playing all sports, hanging out with friends and family, and watching any Georgia Bulldogs athletic event.
Lila Wells
Lila Wells, Reporter

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