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The student voice of West Potomac High School

The Wire

The student voice of West Potomac High School

The Wire

The student voice of West Potomac High School

The Wire

Spring Playoffs In Full Swing


Spring playoffs are in full effect as district and regional tournaments begin. Baseball, Boys Lacrosse, and Softball have all been very successful in their respective tournaments.

Softball: Softball won the 2024 Patriot District Championship on Monday night after defeating the undefeated Lake Braddock Bruins. Senior and First Team Pitcher Katie Demmel pitched a shutout while the offense was led by Senior and First Team Catcher Kate Hardy, and Sabrina Driggers. Softball now hosts a regional quarterfinal game on Friday against the winner of TJ v Robinson that starts at 6:30 p.m. They will have to win two games to qualify for the state tournament.

Baseball: After losing a close contest against the #1 seed Lake Braddock in the District Semifinals, Baseball beat the Annandale Atoms to advance to the Regional Quarterfinals against the Hayfield Hawks, scheduled for Friday at 6:30 at Hayfield. Baseball will also need to win two more games to qualify for the state tournament. If the team wins Friday night they will play Monday afternoon at 2p.m at Fairfax HS to play the winner of Robinson or Woodson to qualify for the state tournament.

Boys Lacrosse: Boys Lacrosse won the regional semifinals against Hayfield to punch their ticket to the state tournament. The team will now be competing for the Regional Championship on Friday and looking to win the regional tournament and gain momentum into the state tournament. 

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Jackson Baker
Jackson Baker, Sports Editor
Jackson Baker is a senior at West Po. This is his first year taking journalism and he’s super excited. He is a member of the baseball team and is currently committed to Salisbury University to continue playing baseball while studying. In his free time, he enjoys playing all sports, hanging out with friends and family, and watching any Georgia Bulldogs athletic event.

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