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The student voice of West Potomac High School

The Wire

The student voice of West Potomac High School

The Wire

The student voice of West Potomac High School

The Wire

West Po Struts Their Fashionable Stuff

Senior Jaylan Post channels the Kenergy at the fashion show.
Sean Burgandy
Senior Jaylan Post channels the Kenergy at the fashion show.

More than 40 students including models, make-up and stage crew,  brought the elegance to the West Potomac Fashion Show in May with clothes including many themes: Barbie, Denim, 1980s Prom, Western Renaissance, Toraz, Carlo Vontee, and Greyhound. The show has been running for at least 10 years, and is expected to run for at least 10 more.

Classic to contemporary looks were featured at times connecting the Kogelman to the land of Barbie to the sophisticated DC fashion scene. The event was attended by 100s of students and members of the community.

“Being a model let me get out of my comfort zone and show my passion for fashion,” Jaylan Post, a senior who modeled as a “Ken” said. 

Sam Bruce, freshman and fashion connoisseur, enjoyed the show.  “The West Potomac fashion show showcased what student-creativity we have at this school and how people can come together and enjoy fashion.”

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Students from Edison Academy did hair and makeup for every scene, and fashion classes helped to produce and execute the show. The Kogelman Theater was a great venue for the show to be hosted at, with its cozy atmosphere and comfy seats the viewing experience was near perfect.

The West Po fashion department looks to continue this tradition in the future.

Photo credit corrected in digital publish to Sean Burgandy. Previously, it was credited to Sam Burgandy. Any unnamed students in photos can be credited. Please comment with the student’s name and grade.

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