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The student voice of West Potomac High School

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The student voice of West Potomac High School

The Wire

The student voice of West Potomac High School

The Wire

Journalism Kids are a Different Breed, Man

Our Arts & Entertainment editor tried his hand at modeling this year. Hes off to Arizona State in the fall.
Our Arts & Entertainment editor tried his hand at modeling this year. He’s off to Arizona State in the fall.

I’ve been at West Po for three long and exhausting years, so trying to tie my entire high school career and journalism into a bow like this is difficult. I’ve taken my last few months to reflect, not only on high school but my life in general and I’ve noticed one thing that has stayed consistent every year for me, and that has changed. Change for the better, or the worse, no matter what I think change is what you need to progress as a person. I can’t say I gave my 100% every day, I honestly can’t even promise I was even at least 75%, and if we’re being super honest I do NOT remember my Geometry class, but I know I’ve changed, and growth has made me become my own man.

The thought of “Becoming my own man” is incredibly weird for me though. I’ve been a part of a large family, a cohesive unit for my entire life as the youngest child. Not to say that I have no personality because if I have anything it’s that, but I never stood on my own two feet as my own person. I think journalism helped me find myself in a way. Besides basketball and film, I felt like I didn’t have much else but journalism was a new avenue. Through journalism, I’ve been able to share my thoughts and all the facts I’ve learned. Discussing film, music, politics, basketball, and anything that could be considered news. I’ve gotten to meet new people and get out of my comfort zone; this job forces me to talk to people I otherwise would kind of just not talk to.

Walking into journalism for the first time as my first sophomore year class, my first class at West Po, my first day of real high school because of that one game of infection we played for like two years, I felt out of place. So many talented and professional kids near my age, running around and handling Journalism as its own job. As intimidating as it was, I kept quiet with my head down, doing the only thing I knew I was skilled at which was writing. I’ve always been incredibly quiet around people I didn’t know, but journalism kids are a different breed, man. In the matter of like 2 classes I was somehow stuck in a limbo of talking about superheroes for hours with a senior I didn’t want to speak to or talking about movies and laughing with my closest friends Ben Price and Miguel Tsang. Now I look forward to this class, writing, and editing stories, Ms Cooper, teaching peers, CNN 10, Mr Lambert (wonder how he’s doing), the multitude of trips within and outside of school, and even interviewing people has somehow turned from something I avoided into something I am skilled at and even enjoy.

I’ve met some of the most intelligent people with incredibly bright futures in journalism. Mercedes, Ali, Phoebe, Emmy, Adler, my aforementioned friends and mentors, this class, this subject, and high school in general were defined by the people who have been in my life. My best friends of three years, Korey and Isaiah, and I always discuss how the people we’ve met and who have been constant in our lives have been special. Special enough to continue helping us grow, evolve, and as I said, change.

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As much as I’m dreading finishing this bittersweet story, I have to reflect on one of my favorite quotes that I live by every day. My biggest inspiration, mentor, and friend, TV media Production teacher Mr. G always says something incredibly simple as I leave his class. It reflects everything that I’ve done to be better, not only as a writer but as a young man. This simplistic quote has weirdly helped me navigate what I can only describe as my most complicated year of highschool and has reminded me every day that the universe and your life are what you make of it and the energy you give off into the world is the energy you will receive.

“Be Good.” – Robert Giampapa

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About the Contributor
Jaylan Post
Jaylan Post, Arts & Entertainment Editor
Jaylan Post, senior, is in his third year of Journalism and hopes to continue his important work as an editor and writer. He uses the class as a way to refresh his knowledge on news and writing. He enjoys basketball, volleyball, and cooking in his free time. He also enjoys a large variety of music, TV shows, and movies.

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