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The student voice of West Potomac High School

The Wire

The student voice of West Potomac High School

The Wire

The student voice of West Potomac High School

The Wire

Local Philanthropists Illuminate Wolverine Green

Kerry Cooper
Rick Genuario, past president of the Athletic Boosters, Principal Jessica Stats, Mark Anderson (behind the principal) who donated $5,000, Michelle Mitchell, local activist Sue Bernstein, Jim O’Farrell who donated $10,000, and builder Steve Larsen who designed the Wolverine Green will bring light to the space this June.

Ever thought about how long Wolverine Green has been at West Ppo for? In 2016 a group of individuals from the school and community decided to raise money for the West Ppo community, which resulted in the Wolverine Green. Many parents and students helped fund this area, including Sue Bernstein who was one of the leaders that went into the planning of the Wolverine Green project. In total, all participants were able to raise almost $50,000, as well as additional bricks and other materials being donated by local landscaping companies.

The Wolverine Green was designed with the intention for students and other members of the community to have an area where they could socialize. According to the Wolverine turf website in 2016, “The goal of the Wolverine Green is to use the island to create a beautiful, functional, sustainable environment that is engaging, environmentally friendly and energy efficient.”

Along with the intentions of being a positive area for the community, the island was also supposed to be lit up. While they were constructing, Steve Larson, the designer of the green, intentionally included the wiring needed to make this possible within the cement laying. However they didn’t have quite the necessary monetary needs to fulfill this, until now.

With the help of other prominent members in the community and from “the generosity of others” said by Ms. Bernstein. They were able to raise the funds and finally complete this project that started over 7 years ago. The goal date to illuminate the green was this past Earth Day, with the intention of recognizing all the hard work Ms. Bernstein as well as other members in the community put into making and planning this project. Especially after so many years of not being able to quite reach the funds, “relief man” was how Ms. Bernstein described finally lighting up the green.

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The goal with the lighting is to allow teachers and students to use the space for lessons, music concerts, ceremonies, and other involving activities. “It’s limitless how teachers may want to use it,” Bernstein said.

The school is planning to thank families/donations and organizations that supported the construction of the Wolverine Green. As well as recognize the hard work and planning that took place over the last 7 years to complete this project. There is a “Lights On” ribbon cutting ceremony at 5pm on June 20, 2024.

Next time you are at a sports game, or other school event after sundown, stop by the green and take the time to acknowledge all the hard work and effort volunteers in the community made. In order to make West Po a better learning environment for the students and the community.

Let there be light!


Story has been updated b/c the ceremony has been moved from June 6 to June 20.

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About the Contributor
Mercedes Henwood, Social Issues Co-Editor
Starting her junior year at West Po, Mercedes Henwood likes journaling her daily life and hanging out with friends. This is her second year being a part of The Wire, and she’s more than excited. Planning to get involved at school through more clubs and activities, she also enjoys baking and spending free time with her dogs. She has not thought about future career options/majors yet, but is hoping to broaden her horizons this year.

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