Adapted from the 1991 Disney animation of the same name, Beauty and The Beast follows the story of a cocky prince who is turned into a beast, he subsequently falls in love with a Villager name Belle and...
“Moonlight," a small film produced from A24, surprised many people when they won the Oscar for Best Picture. Directed by Barry Jenkins, “Moonlight” tells the story of a young black child who discovers...
“Lion” is a movie whose themes of loss, love, and family are universal even though its settings may not be. Based on a real story, and spanning two decades, the film tells the story of Saroo (Sunny...
Warning: Spoilers
Rogue One: A Star Wars story premiered in theatres on December 15. The film follows the main character, Jynn Erso, who is rescued from the empire’s clutches. She is recruited...
There is no doubt audiences will enjoy “The Nice Guys”, set in Los Angeles in the mid-70s, takes on an off-color yet charming brand of humor, with the dramatic appeal of Russell Crowe and the comedic...
From the most massive lion to the smallest bunny, the city of Zootopia is a place where animals of all shapes and sizes can thrive. When Judy Hopps (Ginnifer Goodwin) becomes the first rabbit to join the...
“In the Heart of the Sea” is a movie that aims high but ultimately falls short of its goals. It suffers primarily from vapid characters whose actions seem futile and meaningless, an issue that greatly...