A Q&A with Mr. Klucharich

Mark Klucharich also known as Mr. K to students teaches World History 1 and 2  Honors, as well as coaching baseball.

Q: Where did you attend college?

“West Chester University in West Chester Pennsylvania”

Q:What did you enjoy about College?

“Meeting new people from all different areas, and all walks of life, just the freedom that college life gives you in terms of picking your own classes and knowing how to balance school and your social life.”

Q: What drew you to become a history teacher?

“A lot of my family were teachers and I think I always had the personality for it. I started off as a health and phys. ed major but I switched to history after. I didn’t want to do all the science classes and everything and history has always been interesting to me.”

Q:How many years have you taught at West Potomac?

“This is my second year teaching.”

Q: What do like most about teaching at West Potomac?

“The kids are great. I’ve had good classes the past two years, the diversity, and the student body. I also coach baseball so I got to meet kids in that aspect outside of an academic setting, so the sports life. [It’s] diverse, all the kids are good, from different backgrounds, different places.”

Q:What do you like to do during your free time,when your not teaching?

“Watch TV, listen to music, I watch It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, I like to eat and I try to cook as much food as I can instead of eating out so….. But, other than that spend time with friends watch movies, stuff like that.”

Q:How would people describe you as a person?


“I think I’m a pretty laid back, pretty personable guy.  I think people would describe me as type A, in terms of I like things done in a certain way and I’m not a messy person, everything has to be orderly and clean. If you’d come into my apartment everything has a place, and I hate clutter and if i’m not going to use it I get rid of it. I like things to be my way and very orderly and clean and you know, all that stuff.”