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The student voice of West Potomac High School

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The student voice of West Potomac High School

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Pickleball: More Fun with Fashion

Juliet Laisch, freshman, shows off her Pickleball style and her Dunkin love.
Katie Olson
Juliet Laisch, freshman, shows off her Pickleball style and her Dunkin love.

In the heart of communities across the U.S, a sport with quiet beginnings is making a big debut, not only on the courts but in the world of fashion too. Pickleball, once an activity for the afternoons of retirees, has evolved into a full-blown cultural sensation, and with it comes a style that’s as fun as the game itself.

This isn’t just about comfort anymore; it’s about making a statement. As the sport grows, so does the need for gear that stands out. Brands are catching on like Target with their new line, crafting lines of clothing that blur the lines between athletic wear and street style. Pickleball outfits now boost vibrant looks as well as people’s confidence.

“I usually wear my lululemon shorts and shirt because it is athletic and makes me feel confident on the court,” junior Morgan Whaley said.

It’s a fashion fiesta for all athletes. The courts are becoming runways where players are the models, from moisture fabrics that keep you cool during the most intense games to skirts and shorts that offer freedom of movement.
“A lot of people have really cute Free People outfits out on the court that make them look amazing while playing,” freshman Julia Himes said.

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But the trend doesn’t stop with clothing. Accessories are getting their time on the runway too. Floral and bright paddles and even performance-driven sneakers are getting a trendy new makeover. It’s evidence of the game’s unique ability to combine function with fun.

“My racket is all black and describes my personality because it represents standing down on business just like I do on the court,” senior Luke Westmoreland said.

The pickleball phenomenon is a testament to the power of community and the joy of play. It’s a sport that encourages you to bring your best game and your brightest gear. As the pickleball community continues to grow, one thing is clear: this sport is serving up some serious style.

So, whether you’re a pro or picking up a paddle for the first time, remember that pickleball isn’t just a game – it’s a lifestyle for fashionistas. And with the fashion world taking notice, it’s your chance to be part of the movement that’s as much about self-expression as it is about earning points. Get ready to hit the court and show off your pickleball finds!

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About the Contributors
Katie Olson
Katie Olson, Reporter
Katie Olson is new to West Potomac, starting her freshman year at the school. Katie currently enjoys playing soccer and field hockey with her friends. She also loves music and her favorite artists include Taylor Swift, Drake, Harry Styles and The Weekend. This school year, Katie hopes to make new friends, get more involved in school activities, and have an amazing year over all.
Sadie Regardie
Sadie Regardie, Reporter
Sadie Regardie is a freshman at West Potomac. She is currently playing on the JV field hockey team and is hoping to also play for West Po soccer later this year. It's her first year in journalism and she hopes that it won't be her last. Some of her favorite things to do are shopping, hanging out with friends, playing soccer and going to the ocean. She cannot live without her dog, friends and family and last but not least pasta.

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