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The student voice of West Potomac High School

The Wire

The student voice of West Potomac High School

The Wire

The student voice of West Potomac High School

The Wire

All content by Sophie Anderson
Senior Obligations Posing a Threat to Graduation

Senior Obligations Posing a Threat to Graduation

Sophie Anderson
June 7, 2017

Most West Potomac seniors are looking forward to graduation, but their hopes might be dashed by unpaid obligations. Over 700 letters were mailed home this year informing students of obligations they have...

How Teachers are Dealing with New Scheduling and Absences

How Teachers are Dealing with New Scheduling and Absences

Sophie Anderson
May 12, 2017

May and June are two of the most academically demanding months of the year for students with AP exams, SOLs, final exams, and the wrapping up of 9 months of learning. Although, this time of the year isn’t...

Getting Ready for the AP Exams

Getting Ready for the AP Exams

Sophie Anderson
May 3, 2017

Starting Monday at 8:10am, West Potomac HS began AP Exam testing, which will stretch a continuous three weeks through May. Along with Advancement Placement courses came a heavy workload for students across...

St. Patrick’s Day: Celebrating the Irish

St. Patrick’s Day: Celebrating the Irish

Saint Patrick’s day may seem like a day of just wearing green, but among West Potomac are many students and teachers who celebrate their Irish culture. On March 17, Irish descendants around the globe...

Winter Track and Field Districts

Winter Track and Field Districts

Natalie Terwilliger and Sophie Anderson
February 4, 2017

As the winter sports season closes, winter track begins the most competitive aspect of the season: district competitions. Runners race in a variety of events, some of which include 100 meter dash, 4x200...

West Potomac Girls Basketball Youth Night

West Potomac Girls Basketball Youth Night

Natalie Terwilliger and Sophie Anderson
January 24, 2017

Save the date, because this Friday is the West Potomac girls basketball youth night. The Freshman, Junior varsity, and Varsity teams will be playing the competitive W.T. Woodson High School. Festivities...

"Fast Pass" ID's- What Are They?

“Fast Pass” ID’s- What Are They?

The administration is unveiling a new concept to honor high-achieving students. It will allow all A or A/B Honor Roll and students with perfect attendance to receive a small sticker that will be placed...

Mouthwatering Family Thanksgiving Recipies

Mouthwatering Family Thanksgiving Recipies

On the fourth thursday of every November, we celebrate Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a holiday to commemorate giving thanks for the blessings we have in our lives. Although this holiday is primarily focused...

Television Show Review: Stranger Things

Television Show Review: Stranger Things

Stranger Things, a Netflix original series released early July 2016, has become a staple binge item for adults and teenagers alike all over the United States. With over 8 million viewers just 16 days after...

#ISideWith- A Look Into Students Lives in Both Parties

#ISideWith- A Look Into Students Lives in Both Parties

Democrat: Itiola Akingbola Growing up in a very liberal household, Senior Itiola Akingbola had to adapt to her family’s beliefs. Although that’s how she was raised, Akingbola identifies herself...

Q&A With the Homecoming King and Queen

Q&A With the Homecoming King and Queen

Homecoming King: Nasim al-Saadawi Homecoming Queen: Raelyn Davis Did you expect to win? And, if so, do you feel you deserved it? Nasim: “I think I was going to win. I can honestly say I had...

Teacher Feature: Alexis Wilkins

Teacher Feature: Alexis Wilkins

How do you like West Potomac so far? “I like it, it’s much bigger from the school I came from. The three different buildings were really overwhelming at first but I [found] that I [didn't] really...

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Sophie Anderson