Profile: Jeffrey Petit-Freres


Jeffrey Petit-Freres, a senior at West Potomac, is known to excel in academics. What most people don’t know is that he is also a very skilled violinist. Petit-Freres has played this violin since he was in the fourth grade, when asked why he chose violin, he expressed it came from always looking up to his older brother.

“My brother has always been a role model of mine, I wanted to do everything he did.” said Petit-Freres, “So, when he chose violin I did too.”

Learning an instrument isn’t easy and Petit-Freres knows that first hand. He expressed that not only the basics of the instrument was hard to pick up, it was also hard to dedicate a certain amount of time to master his instrument.

“The hardest part was the discipline of putting in as much time as possible to practicing.” said Petit-Freres, “I just had to keep reminding myself that the only way I could get better was through time.”

This hard work did not come without reward. Petit-Freres plays for the Washington Metropolitan Youth Orchestra (WMYO) , a challenging full orchestra specifically for students who are skilled musicians. Unlike the school orchestra Petit-Freres has played for, WMYO includes band instruments and string orchestral instruments. Petit-Freres expressed his appreciation for being in an orchestra that would push him to be better.

“The music we play in WMYO is much more difficult than the music we play in school orchestra.” said Petit-Freres, “This makes the experience so much more challenging and rewarding.”

Petit-Freres communicated how much he loves playing the violin and how everyone interested in playing an instrument should put in the effort to learn.

“Hard work will get you very far.” said Petit-Freres, “Practice until it becomes natural and you’ll fall in love with it.”

Petit-Freres will be attending William & Mary in the fall, but plans to continue to learn and play the violin.