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The student voice of West Potomac High School

The Wire

The student voice of West Potomac High School

The Wire

The student voice of West Potomac High School

The Wire

Vivian Baxter, Writer

Sophomore Vivian Baxter starts her first year on West Potomac’s journalism staff this year. Vivian joined the class because she was interested to find out different events and current things. “I am a naturally curious person so it gets me really happy and excited to get to know something I didn't know before.”

Inside of school, Baxter is involved in the French Club. When she’s not in school, Baxter is usually doing school work, playing soccer, and spending time with friends. Her ideal music choices are alternative or pop, but she can listen to any genre and be happy. Her most played song of the moment being “Human” by dodie. When asked about her hopes and dreams, Baxter had her very own definition of a dream, with “I hope to travel the world someday, I wouldn't say it is a dream because I really want to travel and I think hopes are like, a guide for your future and dreams; I would say a dream would be able to have money and come back to see my family someday.”

All content by Vivian Baxter
Mrs.Livelli in Jackson Hole, Wyoming with a close friend. This picture shows them smiling in the bright, snowy cold!

Teacher Feature: Mrs.Livelli

Vivian Baxter, Writer
June 4, 2019

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Collin Sproule, a Brew-Tea-Ful Coffee Shop employee, makes coffee for students during 7th period.

A “Latte” Love for the New Coffee Shop

Vivian Baxter, Writer
May 8, 2019

At West Potomac High School, a new coffee shop opened January 31st, and students who know about it are lining up. The shop is a school run business, the coffee made is in view, and even teachers are making...

An image of the magnetic field before and during the reversal, created by parallel supercomputers at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center and the Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Science Alert: A Magnetic Field Reversal Long Overdue

Vivian Baxter, Writer
April 2, 2019

Every day since the beginning of our time on Earth, the center of the magnetic field has been shifting from the North Pole. It has been shifting almost thirty miles every year since the early 1900’s...

The cast of Heathers, posing for their promotions of the show, which you can find on Instagram.
Kendall Grady, Abigail Aziz, Christine O’Hara. (Left to Right)

Heathers: The Cult Classic Strutting to West Potomac

Vivian Baxter, Writer
January 31, 2019

Heathers is a Broadway production inspired by the original film placed in the 80’s, and is now being brought to West Potomac High School this week by our school’s theater department. The...

Science Alert!

Vivian Baxter, Writer
December 13, 2018

NASA has reported that tonight the space rock 3200 Phaethon is causing a meteor shower at around 9 PM to 7 AM. Slooh Observatory will be recording a stream of the shower at 6 PM as well if you are...

Mrs.Kim after winning Masters Nationals 2017 in Rowing.

Teacher Feature: Mrs. Kim

Vivian Baxter, Writer
December 11, 2018

Mrs. Kelly Kim is a second year teacher here at West Potomac and has quickly become one of the favorites among students. Between befriending her students, having fun classes, and talking to anyone who...

Midterm Mania for Election Day

Midterm Mania for Election Day

Robert Stewart, Ruth Dean, and Vivian Baxter
November 6, 2018

Today, November 6, 2018, the American electorate will take to the polls and vote for who they want to represent them in the United States Senate and House of Representatives. For some West Potomac High...

Bowman Shaughnessy (right) and Aminata Johnson (left) smiling big after Cross Country Regionals. Picture taken by Ellie Messina.

Student Athletes: Running into the New Season

Vivian Baxter, Writer
November 2, 2018

Student athletes are students participating in school sponsored sports, whether it’s the fall, winter, or spring. Sports beginning means something different for everyone, but for student athletes it’s...

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Vivian Baxter