Adapted from the 1991 Disney animation of the same name, Beauty and The Beast follows the story of a cocky prince who is turned into a beast, he subsequently falls in love with a Villager name Belle and...
On February 3 the horror movie Rings was released. The movie is an updated version of The Ring which was released in 2002. Rings is about Julia and Holt, a couple that fell apart as Holt went off to college...
“My Salinger Year” is a book that begs to be read not because of how it’s written, but because of it’s story. A memoir of the author’s days after graduate school, the book brilliantly mixes...
Stardew Valley is a role playing video game released February 26, 2016 by indie game developer ConcernedApe. The game allows players to start a farm, fight monsters, go fishing, and become friends with...
Warning: Spoilers
Rogue One: A Star Wars story premiered in theatres on December 15. The film follows the main character, Jynn Erso, who is rescued from the empire’s clutches. She is recruited...
The film “Loving” was released on November 4. The movie was based on the story of an interracial couple who fell in love, wanted to get married and eventually build a family.
However, it all took...
The classic bildungsroman A Christmas Carol, crafted by Charles Dickens, follows the tale of a dreadful old man, Ebenezer Scrooge, through a fate changing string of events. With the help of the supernatural,...
A Christmas Carol, performed by Mount Vernon High School Theatre Arts, is a faithful retelling of the beloved story familiar to us all. This play follows Ebenezer Scrooge, a cranky old man who loves...
This year marks the tenth anniversary of Alexandria Dance’s production of The Nutcracker, featuring several dancers from West Potomac’s Dance Academy and dance team.
The show put a unique twist on...
The Alexandria Community Dancers collaborated with the West Potomac Academy dancers to perform the Nutcracker from December 1 to 4.
The Alexandria Community Dancers brought a wide variety of performers....
It was loud and bright at the 7 p.m. showing of “School of Rock” from Beyond the Page. There was confetti. The play was totally understandable even without the film’s context, and worked well as...
Stranger Things, a Netflix original series released early July 2016, has become a staple binge item for adults and teenagers alike all over the United States. With over 8 million viewers just 16 days after...